The CPM has created this page to help you find helpful resources and documents quickly. 

Please remember that Inquirers and Candidates are responsible for knowing and working within the processes and time tables of their session, the CPM, and the Presbytery of the Northwest Coast. 

At times this can get a little confusing, so make sure to review the PC(USA) Advisory Handbook on Preparation for Ministry, the Book of Order, our own presbytery guidelines, and plan accordingly with your liaisons.


For Everyone: 
-  Form 3  Annual Consultation
-  Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Resources:
    -  Frequently Asked Questions
    -  Harborview/UW CPE Program
    -  Puget Sound VA Program
    -  PeaceHealth St. Joseph's Program (Bellingham) 
    -  Other Programs

-  The PCUSA Preparation for Ministry Handbook: This is one of the most important documents to read both before and during the ordination process. Please read this cover to cover as soon as possible. You can also find the handbook here

For Inquirers: 
-  Discernment resources  
-  Form 5A  Moving to Candidacy
-  Form 5B Statements for Evaluation
-  Statements of Evaluation
-  Bible Content Exam info: 
   -  The "Official" PCUSA page 

For Candidates: 
-  Guidelines for Preparing a Statement of Faith
-  Handbook on Ordination Exams
- Ordination Exam info:
- The “Official” PCUSA page
-  Preparing Materials for Final Assessment