We follow Jesus to transform the world. You make it possible. Donate now.
You can support the mission of the Northwest Coast Presbytery online through our Presbyterian Foundation account (using Vanco GivePlus Church). Options match our Mission Remittance Form, allowing you to support our presbytery & the PCUSA General Assembly unified missions, as well as making designated gifts to our mission partners, special offerings, and even paying invoices & per capita. Covenant Partners are supported by congregations who give regularly to Northwest Coast Presbytery’s “Unified Mission” or designate their giving to our covenant partners. 100% of your gift goes to covenant partners.
Note: You will notice that there is not a field to enter your church or ministry’s name. As there are two address lines, PLEASE enter your church/ministry’s name in the first address line. This will help us match donations correctly. Thank you!
More information about giving through Vanco GivePlus Church: