It’s time for year-end reporting again. An email with instructions and information has been sent to all Clerks of Session, Moderators of Sessions, and church offices. 

Checklist of this year's reports:

1.  General Assembly Annual Statistics Report - Due FEB. 10th 

  • NOTE:  If you click “submit” you will not be allowed to make changes. 

  • Need your username and password?  Find it here.

2. Church Information Form-Due Feb 21
3. Clergy Terms of Call - Due Feb. 21 - Your Treasurer or Pastor can also submit. Reminder: Effective Salary must also be reported to the Board of Pensions.
4. Necrology (Ruling Elder or Minister of the Word and Sacrament) Due Feb. 21

5. Roster of Current Elders on Session 2024 - Due Feb. 21

6. Church Annual Report- Due Feb 21 or as soon as possible.  Email to the Stated Clerk.
7. 2024 Session & Congregational Minutes Review - Due March 31. If you did not submit 2023 minutes last year, include them as well.  Email to the Stated Clerk. Save the date for in-person peer to peer minutes review for clerks May 15, 2025. 

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Detailed Directions for General Assembly Statistical Reporting (If needed):

The direct link to access the entry system is HERE

If this is your first time:

  • Username and Password – Find yours here.

  • Select the “Church” and “Clerk” tabs, verify and update information.

  • Produce a worksheet, if needed, by selecting “Church Report” “PDF” on the “Church” tab.

  • Select “Statistics” tab and begin. English, Espanol & 한국어 are available.

  • Estimate when you lack reliable data (e.g Sunday School attendance).

  • Financial Section - This may be completed and/or entered by your financial person.

  • Remember, the closer you get to the deadline the slower the system will be, since it slows down with multiple users and most people wait to the last minute.

  • Call or email the Stated Clerk if you have questions or difficulties.