We engage, equip, and encourage entrepreneurial, Gospel pioneers to launch new expressions of church for people who aren’t connected to Jesus, haven’t known church, or have left church and discipleship. There are at least three chapters of a process for discerning the why, who, what, and how of new church expressions:
The potential pioneer leader discerns their call and capabilities in community.
A discernment team gathered with the pioneer leader(s) to discern why, who, what and how (we highly recommend “Starting New Worshiping Communities” as the discernment process for these teams).
Northwest Coast Presbytery listens with #1 and #2 through CPM (if you are in the ordination process), COM (if already ordained), and the Executive Board to join in discerning why, who, what, and how.
More about #1
Step One: Call Corey (425.985.3787 or and let him know you’re being encouraged by someone(s), the Holy Spirit, the voices in your head, a pressing need . . . whoever is encouraging you to think about starting a new expression of church. Corey can help you outline the process and get access to resources to take the next steps.
Step Two: “Discerning Missional Leadership Assessment.” This is an in-depth discernment process to determine your gifts and talents for this unique leadership endeavor. We highly encourage your spouse (if applicable) to participate with you.
Whether you are called to pioneer a new church expression, or not, this time will provide great insights into your particular strengths and how they impact your call to ministry. Through a series of reflections, treks, interviews, references, and use of Strengthsfinder and workstyle inventories, you will get solid feedback from experienced pioneers about your readiness and preparation for missional leadership. You will also be exposed to missional practices and other resources available for your enrichment.
When the assessment is complete, you will have an in-depth consultation regarding the assessors’ recommendation, a written copy of the assessment, and recommendations for future growth in missional leadership. Costs can be partially covered by NW Coast Presbytery.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this Assessment has been moved to a virtual assessment. More info here.
Step Three: Recruit a Discernment Team and Discern Together.
Starting New Worshiping Communities is the recommended guide to this process.