Compiled and offered by Rev. Greg Ellis
Introductory video by Rev. Greg Ellis, Pastor, Cordata Presbyterian Church (Bellingham, WA). [4 minutes - video]
Rev. Greg Ellis (Executive Board and pastor of Cordata PC, Bellingham) invites those planning to attend the October 8th, 2021 Northwest Coast Presbytery’s Leadership Summit to study in advance the overture from Northern Light United Church (Juneau, AK) and then explains that registrants will receive a series of 4 weekly emails on the main topics raised by the overture, including Week 1 which focuses on reparations as a restorative response to injustice.
Justice video from the Bible Project: [6 minute - video]
Biblical justice explained in a truly outstanding six minute video. If you do no other homework on restorative justice (e.g. reparations), please watch this. You will not regret it.
“Reparations Are Biblical” Oct. 10, 2019 blog by Thabiti Anyabwile. [10 minutes - article]
This excellent blog article from The Gospel Coalition concisely presents the solid biblical basis for the principle of reparations to our American context, while also acknowledging that the “policies and programs [needed to implement reparations] require debate.”
“The Case for Reparations: A slow convert to the cause.” March 7, 2019, David Brooks [5 minutes - article]
This article by frequent NY Times columnist David Brooks reflects on and affirms Ta’Nehisi Coates’ argument for reparations in The Atlantic from June 2014 (see link below).
The following are all additional resources for someone wishing to inform themselves about reparations.
“The Case for Reparations,” by Ta’Nehisi Coates (The Atlantic, June 2014)
“The Case for Reparations,” is an in-depth exploration and analysis of racial injustice and the impact it has had on Black Americans. Although Coates does not speak from the standpoint of Christian faith, he adeptly articulates the rationale behind reparations with compelling story-telling and astute analysis.
“A Christian Call for Reparations” July 2020
In this article on, the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, dean of a divinity school, lays out a Christian call for reparations.
A Call for Reparations | Presbyterian Historical Society (
This webpage reviews in detail the history of the original call for reparations from Black church leaders in 1969, which helped prompt the Presbyterian Church’s response to past and present racial injustice. It is a fascinating read which highlights conversations about race, justice, and the Church from 50 years ago. Seeing our present struggles over these matters in light of this history helps bring greater perspective.
Presbyterian Mission Agency Addressing race and reparations | Presbyterian Mission Agency
An article from August 10, 2020 detailing the PCUSA Special Committee on Race, Truth, and Reconciliation’s interview with pastor and seminary professor the Rev. Dr. Mark Lomax. Lomax highlights that popular opposition to reparations for Black Americans stems from a misunderstanding of what reparations are; he offers a sober assessment of the PCUSA’s lack of meaningful and sustained response to past and present injustices.