While it can be challenging to find unity in a community that consists of people of many different races and cultures, we know love is the key. Jesus demonstrated welcoming ALL people, yet it is not simple to know how to live out that love as our concerns, priorities and ways of conveying love can differ, especially in multicultural environments. Even so, we earnestly seek wisdom to understand and appreciate one another, so that we might grow nearer to God’s vision for human community, which is a true gift of joy!
We are thankful that our presbytery leadership is passionate about realizing this vision. Meanwhile, we do our best using all means possible to engage all members in the worship, mission, and fellowship of Northwest Coast Presbytery. Following are some of the ministries that highlight our efforts to unify the body of NWC Presbytery:
· The Office of Associate Executive Presbyter for Korean & Multicultural Ministry
Under the leadership of Rev. Jinsuk Kim, Associate EP, Korean churches and other ethnic churches are being mediated in various ways to the presbytery, so that they are more fully engaged in and connected with the ministries and common life of NWC Presbytery. jinsuk@northwestcoast.org
· Translation/Interpretation
Having 30% Korean speaking congregants in NWC Presbytery, translation/interpretation of our written and spoken words into the Korean language is important and being provided in every Leadership Summit and at other meetings. As digital translation (such as google translation) is developing fast, we are looking into wider availability of translations in the near future.
· Diversifying the Presbytery Leadership
Our presbytery leadership and Nominating Committee are quite intentional about putting more ethnic members into the presbytery’s commissions and committees. With more encouragement for inclusion and as the immigrant members are becoming more English speaking, we are speeding up our diversification of leadership. You can help by recommending qualified members of color to NOM moderator Rev. Dan Jones dan@mtvpc.org or Rev. Jinsuk Kim jinsuk@northwestcoast.org
· Creating Equity Committee under Executive Board
In the wake of recent social unrest compounding with COVID-19, NWC Presbytery is forming a Racial Equity Committee initiated by the Executive Board under the leadership of our Moderator, Rev. Matt Paul, and Vice Moderator, Becca Niemeyer. We need to re-think our racial relationships in order to dismantle systemic-racism. If you are interested in joining this committee, contact Matt at: pastor@fpcpa.org or Becca at: beccan@fpcbellingham.org
· Hosting Leadership Summits at Ethnic Churches and Sharing Different Traditions and Cultures
We have a wonderful tradition of having presbytery events hosted by our Korean and Native-American churches and partners. Such times have been great joys and opportunities for a foretaste of the community of God’s vision. If you would like to further this cause by hosting an upcoming Leadership Summit, please contact: dean@northwestcoast.org; laura@northwestcoast.org; kim@northwestcoast.org; jinsuk@northwestcoast.org
· Sharing broad perspectives and lives from our NWCP’s congregations and communities
We love sharing your stories! Particularly, the ways you see God at work in the life of your church and ministry. Please send them to kim@northwestcoast.org.