While we are enjoying this community of faith as God has gathered us into NWC Presbytery, we are also mindful of what Jesus said, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16)
As our society is becoming increasingly diverse, so should we--even more so--as a body of Christ. By welcoming our immediate neighbors into our church with open minds, regardless of their race and culture, we will not only thrive, but God’s vision will be fulfilled, which God has already set up around us. Foreseeing our future, following are some areas of concern and mission we must proceed to further explore:
· Learn to be a welcoming church and how to welcome those who are different from us.
· Demographic Study on our neighbors and new strategies to reach out to them.
· Plan on Korean churches’ future oriented transition – inheriting their faith legacy into the next generations while their gifts are building into the future one body of Christ.
· Understand race relations and how to value them equally as children of God.
· Plan to establish a Multi-Cultural Ministry team or committee.
· Support the further development of Hispanic churches and other ethnic churches in NWCP.