Whidbey Presbyterian Church: NextGen Ministry Coordinator
Whidbey Presbyterian Church has an opening for a position to lead the church in developing and coordinating age-appropriate ministry for students aged Pre-K through High School. The position – NextGen Ministry Coordinator - is 20 hours per week and the salary is $23.79 per hour. It is year-round with PTO benefits. If you or someone you know has a passion for working alongside the Pastor and WPC leadership to fulfill our mission to empower the next generation (NextGen) of Christ followers, please contact the church office at wpc@whidbeypres.org or call (360) 679-3579 to obtain the full position description and an application. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the position description which details responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for the successful candidate. Please include a letter describing your experiences and interests that meet the criteria outlined in the position description. Completed applications and letters should be returned to the church office or online to wpc@whidbeypres.org. The position will be open until filled. If you have questions, please leave your name and number with the church office (360) 679- 3579.
Find out more HERE