North Creek Presbyterian Church Head of Staff

The person being called to Head of Staff at North Creek Presbyterian Church will play a key role in cultivating a healthy environment that nurtures and inspires spiritual growth of staff and volunteers, along with elders and deacons. Our Head of Staff will partner in ministry and equip those in leadership roles for a multi-generational congregation to serve together. They will also keep the balance of tradition while incorporating new visions to reach our short and long-term goals.

- Preaching skills from a biblical standpoint with the ability to tie in real world applications.

- Coaching and leading skills for both staff and elders to enthusiastically enhance their capacity to do their ministry.

- Regularly practice spiritual disciplines.

- Appreciative of diversity with the ability to nurture a community of belonging to all God’s children.

- Connect with individuals across multiple generations.

- Delegation skills to assign tasks to help utilize member’s spiritual gifts.

- Be energetic, bringing personal motivation and joy to their work and relationships.

- Be purposeful and skillful in using various mediums to engage a multi-generational congregation.

- Bridge Building skills to manage conflict through attentive listening and efforts of mediation.

Find out more: click here


Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Bothell: Head of Staff / Senior Pastor


Westminster Presbyterian Church Anacortes, SEXTON