February 2022
Post Presbytery Meeting Resources


Farewell to Corey Schlosser-Hall

Photos from Corey’s 15 years as Executive Presbyter. Poem “When We Paddled Upon the Waters” by George Pasley. Music by Jean Chaumont (song, Renewed Perspective, from album, The Beauty of Differences). And for anyone interested in trying Ted Lasso biscuits presented to Corey, here is the recipe.


We began with prayer, ended with communion and conducted business in the middle. Corey Schlosser-Hall preached, John Van Deusen, Director of Music, Worship & Arts from Whidbey PC led our singing, and our newly elected co-moderators, Revs, Becca Niemeyer & Matt Paul hosted the Lord’s Supper. What a celebration!

S.L.A.M. Trips - Mending Wings

Annaweinita Miller, SLAM Trips Director for Mending Wings, a Covenant Mission Partner of NWCP, shared from the heart about this opportunity for young people to come to the Yakama Nation Reservation to learn and serve.

Slides shared. More information.

Concurrence with Overture 005

The NWC Israel-Palestine Network hosted a workshop with former General Assembly moderator, Rev. Dr. Fahed Abu Akel, a Palestinian Christian sharing from his personal story, and the NWCP approved concurrence with Overture 005. The 3-minute video above was shown at the workshop. Read the overture: 10 page overture and/or two page summary

Our Board of Pensions (BOP) Church Consultant, Rev. Christine Long, shared some new resources. Starting April 1, 2022, the BOP, in partnership with Quantum Health, is providing a new Medical Plan feature, Care Navigation. And effective January 2022, the Assistance Program provided by the BOP has been expanded to broaden eligibility. For more information on each:

Care Navigation
Assistance Program
2022 Benefits That Serve the Church

Resources from Previous Leadership Summits