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NWCP Fall Pastors' Training

NWCP Fall Pastors' Training - November 12th - 9am to 12pm at FPC Bellingham
Ron Marks, a friend of the Northwest Coast Presbytery and a member of FPC Bellingham, is a respected organizational leadership consultant and he has graciously offered his services to us pro bono for a special half-day training for our actively serving pastors. EP Laura met with Ron and asked him to lead a training where pastors could learn and reflect on their own personal leadership in a rapidly changing ministry context, think through leading during transitional seasons, and how to navigate change while cultivating resilience. Lunch and snacks will be available, and the training is FREE. We apologize, but we are not able to accommodate dietary restrictions or special meal needs at this event. We look forward to learning together and sharing in fellowship. 

Workshop Description
We are in a time between worlds. Most church leaders today recognize that we are undergoing incredible change. Effective leadership and healthy organizations will be required to face these challenges.  In the face of these overlapping challenges, we might sense ourselves in over our heads. Navigating this complexity first requires the fullness of YOU more than THEM—your grounding, your welcoming of transformation, and you overcoming your immunity to change as the starting place to develop true communal resilience. 

Our planned workshop in November will explore the adaptive challenge of leadership in this time of ongoing change. We will delve into true resilience, discover our own resistance to change, and explore ways of forming more adaptive leadership. To be prepared for this workshop, please come with an issue or challenge you are facing in your leadership.


Please register/rsvp so we can prepare enough food and hospitality.

October 17

Presbytery Meeting  

January 8

Pastors Retreat