PCUSA is committed to further diversity in leadership overall church membership.  “In Christ, by the power of the Spirit, God unites persons through baptism regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction.” (F-1.0403) We have long practiced equal representation of laity (Ruling Elders) and clergy (Teaching Elder) as a fundamental principle.  Women’s representation has also largely grown over the decades, particularly as we have advocated for women’s pastoral and lay leadership on the basis of theology.  Along with the above, we must continue to exert our efforts to the matter of fair representation for people of color. 

Below are the websites and information on NWCP’s ethnic churches and mission partners:

NWCP Korean Churches

Community Church of Seattle 

New Life Fellowship

Korean Zion Presbyterian Church

Lord of Glory Presbyterian Church

Central Washington Korean Presbyterian Church

United Presbyterian Church of Seattle

Baker Community Church

Oak Harbor Korean Church

Fruitland Presbyterian Church of Puyallup

Iglesia Fe y Esperanza (Faith and Hope Church), Everett WA

PCUSA Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries 

Mission Partners & Churches in Native American Reservations

Campbell Farm 

Mending Wings

Neah Bay PC, Neah Bay, WA 

Craig & Klawock First PC, Craig & Klawock, AK 

Yakutat PC, Yakutat, AK  

Metlakatla PC, Metlakatla, AK 

Hydaburg PC, Hydaburg AK