Beyond COVID-19: Resources & Ideas

Send us the ideas and innovations you try or hear about.  We will keep updating this list of ideas as we listen to how you are leading in your congregations and ministries! 

What Should Post-Pandemic Religion Look Like? 10 Trends Religious Groups Need to Understand to Survive and Thrive in the Next Decade

This ebook by Heidi A. Campbell & Troy Shepherd offers ten lessons from the pandemic experience that we believe religious leaders need to seriously consider in order to cultivate resilience in their work and ministry. We suggest that religious innovation and adaptation continue to be demanded of religious communities. For religious groups, the “new normal” means there may never be a full return to the business of religion as it once was, i.e., event dependent, offline only, and fixed to one location.

An Expanded and generous table: Is Hybrid Worship in your Future?

This is a helpful guide to these decisions related to worship provided by Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, which he has given us permission to share.

Here are a few resources to think about these dynamics together:

BUSINESS AS USUAL? Four pastors envision Christian witness in a post-COVID world. (January 27, 2021) In the Christian Courier. By Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart, Vancouver BC

“Ecclesiology?” In Faithful Innovation: Beginning a Conversation for a Post-COVID Church (2020). By Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart, Vancouver, B.C.

Faithful Innovation: Beginning a Conversation for a Post-COVID Church (2020). Several Contributors, edited by Rev. Nick Warnes.

The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges and Opportunities That Will Determine the Future of Your Congregation (2020). By Thomas S. Rainer

HYBRID WORSHIP WEBINAR by Rev. Eric Doss with Boston Presbytery and Presbytery of Northern New England.