Part-Time Pastor Opening

Acme Presbyterian Church is looking for a Part-time Pastor willing to work with us to help us grow as disciples as we together share the love of Jesus in the South Fork Valley. Our new pastor must love Jesus and be able to share His word with humor, compassion, and an eye towards transformation. We are looking for a partner and a coach who; is acquainted with the Reformed tradition, is willing to care for the flock, and will joyfully help us be formed as witnesses who reach out together.

Acme is situated in a gorgeous valley in easy proximity to Bellingham or Canada, whichever excites you more. It is a quiet and peaceful place full of people who appreciate that. Acme was not named after the road runner cartoon, but after a hymnal received by one of the town fathers in 1887. The church has a long history of Jesus centered ministry in the valley and we are delighted to continue that rich tradition.

We are an intergenerational community of Jesus-loving rural-living people who enjoy worshipping, eating, and celebrating together. Our services are participatory, fun, and joyful. If you are interested you can discover more about the position here.

Please contact Matt Cook if interested in serving:

Acme PC:

Position Flyer

Position Description

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